June 30, 2022
Memorandum of Cooperation Between Japan and Washington State at Toray CMA
On June 29th, 2022; Toray CMA Tacoma Plant had the honor of hosting the Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) resigning between the Washington State Governor, Jay Inslee and Japan’s Ambassador to the United States, Tomita Koji.
The MOC signifies the unity of Washington State and the Japanese Government’s continuous support of each other in economic endeavors such as: academics, aerospace, agriculture, clean energy, climate, disaster risk, information and communication technologies, logistics, science, trade and investment. The MOC between Washington State and Japan was first signed back in 2016, then resigned once in 2018. This year the resigning ceremony will extend the cooperation between Japan and Washington State for another four years.
This is the second time Governor Inslee was CMA. The first visit was back in 2015 for TCA 6 Opening ceremony. Governor Inslee chose Toray CMA Tacoma Plant as the signing ceremony venue due to his belief that it represented the virtues of what the MOC stands for; a unity between Japan and Washington State as well as the drive to create clean and renewable energy. Ambassador Tomita called it an ‘inspired choice’ for the ceremony. He also believed that the plant was very symbolic of the cooperation between Japan and Washington State.
Governor Inslee, along with Director Chris Green, Chief of Staff Jamila Thomas, Katharine Walton, Economic Outreach Specialist Travis Doty and security were in attendance for Washington State. In attendance for the Consulate General of Japan were; Ambassador Tomita, Consulate General Inagaki, Mrs. Tomita, Mrs. Inagaki, Secretary Kent Kawamura, Secretary Megumi Koike, Secretary Madoka Kono and security. Both parties gathered in the CMA TA Plant at 9 am for a brief meeting in the breakroom of the ESB building which had been transformed into a meeting and waiting area for the guests. Afterwards, the groups proceeded to the signing ceremony at 10 am. Upon conclusion of the ceremony; Governor Inslee and Ambassador Tomita. along with a few of their attendants, were given a VIP tour of the plant by CMA President Dennis Frett. Their accompanying teams were shown an exhibit of Toray Carbon Fiber products that was set up by the sales department.
Both Governor Inslee and Ambassador Tomita had the chance to speak about the cooperation between Washington State and Japan after signing the Memorandum. In regards to the signing Ambassador Tomita emphasized that the Memorandum of Cooperation “is a very important vehicle for us to identify our priorities and deepen our conversation to prepare the ground for upgraded partnership between us”. Governor Inslee also added that “This is a beautiful, productive, and absolutely necessary partnership between the people of Washington and the people of Japan”. Their collaborative statements show the dedication to the partnership of Washington State and Japan.
It was Toray CMA’s honor and privilege to host and witness this momentous event with over 20 employees in attendance. With environmental conservation, ingenuity, and safety as a few of CMA’s top goals, we were able to provide a welcoming environment to extend the Memorandum of Cooperation. Courtesy of Toray, the attending officials left with gift bags in hand for themselves and their accompanying team members.